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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 48 课时
学科分类 英语
适用专业 大学英语、英语
  • Unit 1 Business
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: The Right Job for You
    4. Reading 2: The World of Work
    5. Unit Video: Emergency Medical Technicians
    6. Unit Assignment: Write about a job that's right for you
  • Unit 2 Global Studies
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Readng 1: The World in a City
    4. Reading 2: Immigrant Stories
    5. Unit Video: Immigrant Gives to His Community
    6. Unit Assignment: Write sentences about a place that changed with immigration
  • Unit 3 Sociology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Readng 1: Vacation Policy
    4. Reading 2: Managing Life and Work with Dr. Sanders
    5. Unit Video: Children and Summer School
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph giving reasons
  • Unit 4 Physiology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: What is Laughter?
    4. Reading 2: Laugh More and Stress Less
    5. Unit Video: Laughter Clubs
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about what makes people laugh
  • Unit 5 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video: Running
    4. Reading 1: A Super Soccer Fan
    5. Reading 2: The History of Soccer
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about your favorite sport and how it makes you feel
  • Unit 6 Ethics
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: The Lies People Tell
    4. Reading 2: Honesty and Parenting
    5. Unit Video: Lying in Job Interviews
    6. Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph
  • Unit 7 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: What Is an Adult?
    4. Reading 2: Becoming an Adult
    5. Unit Video: Lying in Job Interviews
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about important changes in your life
  • Unit 8 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: A Dangerous World?
    4. Reading 2: Can We Trust Our Fears?
    5. Unit Video: Police in a Small Town
    6. Writing
    7. Unit Assignment: Write one or more paragraphs about an unreasonable fear



UNIT 1 Business 
Q: What is a good job?
READING 1: The Right Job for You
Reading Skill: Previewing a text
READING 2: The World of Work
Vocabulary Skill: Word forms
Writing Skill: Writing a main idea and supporting sentences
Grammar: Verbs + infinitives (like, want, and need)
Unit Assignment: Write about a job that’s right for you
UNIT 2 Global Studies 
Q: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
READING 1: The World in a City
READING 2: Immigrant Stories
Reading Skill: Skimming for the main idea
Vocabulary Skill: Word roots
Writing Skill: Writing compound sentences with but and so
Grammar: Simple past with regular and irregular verbs
Unit Assignment: Write sentences about a place that changed with immigration 
UNIT 3 Sociology 
Q: Why is vacation important?
READING 1: Vacation Policy
Reading Skill: Reading charts, graphs, and tables
READING 2: Managing Life and Work with Dr. Sanders
Vocabulary Skill: Modifying nouns
Writing Skill: Using correct paragraph structure
Grammar: Sentences with because
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph giving reasons

UNIT 4 Physiology 
Q: What makes you laugh?
READING 1: What is Laughter?
Reading Skill: Identifying the topic sentence in a paragraph
READING 2: Laugh More and Stress Less
Vocabulary Skill: Parts of speech
Writing Skill: Writing a topic sentence
Grammar: Sentences with when
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about what makes people laugh

UNIT 5 Sports 
Q: How do sports make you feel?
READING 1: A Super Soccer Fan
Reading Skill: Identifying supporting sentences and details
READING 2: The History of Soccer
Vocabulary Skill: The prefix un-
Writing Skill: Writing supporting sentences and details
Grammar: Prepositions of location
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about your favorite sport and how it makes you feel 
UNIT 6 Ethics 
Q: Is it ever OK to lie?
READING 1: The Lies People Tell 
Reading Skill: Identifying pronoun referents
READING 2: Honesty and Parenting
Vocabulary Skill: Collocations
Writing Skill: Writing concluding sentences
Grammar: Infinitives of purpose
Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph
UNIT 7 Behavioral Science 
Q: How are children and adults different?
READING 1: What Is an Adult?
Reading Skill: Marking the margins
READING 2: Becoming an Adult
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Clauses with after and after that 
Writing Skill: Making a timeline to plan your writing 
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph about important changes in your life

UNIT 8 Psychology
Q: What are you afraid of?
READING 1: A Dangerous World?
Reading Skill: Identifying facts and opinions 
READING 2: Can We Trust Our Fears?
Vocabulary Skill: Word families
Writing Skill: Contrasting ideas with however
Grammar: Comparative adjectives
Unit Assignment: Write one or more paragraphs about an unreasonable fear 





作者: 李霄翔 曹兰


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2018年08月01日 )

教材特色: 北大社重点推荐教材 1.原版引进,语言地道,主题丰富 2.强化技能,综合培养,提高语言与思维能力 3.多元文化展示,培养跨文化意识 4.优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台

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  • 李霄翔




  • 曹兰




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