职场商务英语 2

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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 基础英语
适用专业 公外,商务英语
  • Course Content
  • Unit 2 Women at work
    1. Top earners
    2. Blogs
    3. What's in a Job
    4. Language Links
  • Unit 3 Telephone talk
    1. Telephone numbers
    2. Indirect questions
    3. Telephone frustration
    4. Sales contacts
    5. Language Links
  • Unit 4 Asking questions
    1. Asking questions
    2. Talking about other people
    3. Case study
  • Unit 5 Company histories
    1. Company histories
    2. Who really invented the Internet
    3. Company history
    4. Language Links
  • Unit 6 Correspondence
    1. Correspondence
    2. On-the-spot decisions
    3. An important order
    4. Language links
  • Unit 7 Hotels
    1. Hotels
    2. Time to kill
    3. Comparatives
    4. Room service
    5. World records
    6. Locating an office
  • Unit 8 Did I ever tell you…?
    1. Did I ever tell you…
    2. Case study
  • Unit 9 Spirit of enterprise
    1. Spirit of enterprise
    2. Yesterday
    3. Change
  • Unit 10 Stressed to the limit
    1. Stressed to the limit
    2. Language links
  • Unit 11 Top jobs
    1. Top jobs
    2. Tell me more
    3. Youtube
    4. Headhunters
    5. Language links
  • Unit 12 Conversation gambits
    1. Conversation gambits
    2. Introducing yourself
    3. Starting a conversation
    4. Conversation topics
    5. Saying goodbye
    6. Fluency
    7. Case study
  • Unit 13 Air travel
    1. Air travel
    2. Battle of the armrests
    3. Buying an airline ticket
    4. The negotiation game
    5. Language Links
  • Unit 14 Hiring and firing
    1. Hiring and firing
    2. Applying for a job
    3. A job interview
    4. What about the workers?
    5. Language links
  • Unit 15 Time
    1. Time
    2. The new database
    3. The myth of time management
    4. Just in time
    5. Wasting time
    6. Language links
  • Unit 16 Getting things done
    1. Asking favours
    2. Upgrade
    3. Case study
  • Unit 17 Office gossip
    1. Office gossip
    2. Gossip
    3. Language Links
  • Unit 18 E-Commerce
    1. E-Commerce
    2. The future of the internet
    3. Making predictions
    4. Language Links
  • Unit 19 E-Work
    1. E-Work
    2. Stay at home and get rich
    3. Teleworking
    4. Language Links
  • Unit 20 Working lunch
    1. Working lunch
    2. Who does what?
    3. Down to business
    4. Case study
"《职场商务英语》系列课程原版引进自英国麦克米伦出版公司的精品系列教材 In Company,并根据国内教学要求,聘请行业专家做了适应性改编,旨在全面提升学生在未来职场中的商务沟通能力。 "






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