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开课院校 高职、本科院校英语课程
建议学习时长 48 课时
适用专业 大学英语、英语
  • UNIT 1 Business
    1. Unit Objective 去体验
    2. Preview the Unit 去体验
    3. Listiening 1: Looking for a Job 去体验
    4. Listiening 2: The Right Person for the Job
    5. Unit Video: Training for a New Job
    6. Unit Assignment: Role-play a job interview
  • UNIT 2 Cultural Studies
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Internationl Asvertising
    4. Listiening 2: Culture Problems
    5. Unit video: Around the World-Shanghai
    6. Unit Assignment: Give a presentation
  • UNIT 3 Sociology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit video: The World's Most Visited Attractions
    4. Listening 1: Places in Danger
    5. Listening 2: A Helpful Vacation
    6. Unit Assignment: Plan and present a travel tour
  • UNIT 4 Physiology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Charles Dickens—Making Readers Laugh After 200 Years
    4. Listening 2 : What's Your Sense of Humor?
    5. Unit video: The Science of Smiling
    6. Speaking
    7. Unit Assignment: Tell a joke or a funny story
  • Unit 5 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Body and Mind
    4. Listening 2: Sports in Our Lives
    5. Unit video: When to involve children in sports?
    6. Speaking
    7. Unit Assignment: Interview a group about sport preferences
  • UNIT 6 Philosophy
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1: Dishonesty in Schools
    4. Listening 2: What’s the Right Thing to Do?
    5. Unit video: Eliminating Lies
    6. Unit Assignment:Report on a class survey
  • UNIT 7 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Listening 1:Attitudes about Change
    4. Listening 2:Tips from a Life Coach
    5. Unit Video: politicians-president Obama
    6. Unit Assignment:Give instructions
  • UNIT 8 Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video:Fearless Mouse
    4. Listening 1:The Science of Fear
    5. Listening 2:What Are You Afraid Of?
    6. Unit Assignment:Tell a personal story



Unit 1 Business 
Q: How can you find a good job?
Note-taking Skill: Writing key words and main ideas
LISTENING 1: Looking for a Job
Listening Skill: Listening for key words and phrases
LISTENING 2: The Right Person for the Job
Vocabulary Skill: Distinguishing between words with similar meanings
Grammar: Part 1 Simple present 
Grammar: Part 2 Simple past 
Pronunciation: Simple past -ed
Speaking Skill: Asking for repetition and clarification 
Unit Assignment: Role-play a job interview
Unit 2 Cultural Studies 
Q: Why do we study other cultures?
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in a T-chart
LISTENING 1: International Advertising 
Listening Skill: Listening for main ideas and details 
LISTENING 2: Cultural Problems 
Vocabulary Skill: Words in context 
Grammar: Part 1 Should and shouldn’t 
Grammar: Part 2 It’s + adjective + infinitive
Pronunciation: The schwa /ә/ sound
Speaking Skill: Presenting information from notes 
Unit Assignment: Give a presentation
Unit 3 Sociology
Q: What is the best kind of vacation?
Note-taking Skill: Marking important information in notes 
LISTENING 1: Places in Danger 
Listening Skill: Understanding numbers and dates 
LISTENING 2: A Helpful Vacation
Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes -ful and -ing
Grammar: Be going to
Pronunciation: Reduction of be going to
Speaking Skill: Introducing topics in a presentation
Unit Assignment: Plan and present a travel tour

Unit 4 Physiology 
Q: Who makes you laugh?
LISTENING 1: Charles Dickens—Making Readers Laugh After 200 Years
Listening Skill: Listening for specific information 
Note-taking Skill: Making notes using a word web
LISTENING 2: What’s Your Sense of Humor?
Vocabulary Skill: Synonyms
Grammar: Simple present for informal narratives
Pronunciation: Simple present third-person -s/-es
Speaking Skill: Using eye contact, tone of voice, and pause
Unit Assignment: Tell a joke or a funny story

Unit 5 Psychology 
Q: Why do we enjoy sports?
Note-taking Skill: Using numbered lists to organize information
LISTENING 1: Body and Mind
Listening Skill: Listening for signal words and phrases 
LISTENING 2: Sports in Our Lives
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Gerunds as subjects or objects
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions
Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving opinions
Unit Assignment: Interview a group about sport preferences
Q: When is honesty important?
Note-taking Skill: Using abbreviations and symbols
LISTENING 1: Dishonesty in Schools
Listening Skill: Making inferences
LISTENING 2: What’s the Right Thing to Do? 
Vocabulary Skill: Percentages and fractions
Grammar: Conjunctions and and but
Pronunciation: Linking consonants to vowels
Speaking Skill: Sourcing information
Unit Assignment: Report on a class survey
Unit 7 Behavioral Science 
Q: Is it ever too late to change?
LISTENING 1: Attitudes about Change
Listening Skill: Listening for different opinions
LISTENING 2: Tips from a Life Coach
Vocabulary Skill: Verb-noun collocations
Grammar: Imperative of be + adjective
Pronunciation: Content word stress in sentences
Note-taking Skill: Using an outline
Speaking Skill: Checking for listeners’ understanding
Unit Assignment: Give instructions

Unit 8 Psychology 
Q: When is it good to be afraid?
Note-taking Skill: Using the Cornell method for taking notes 
LISTENING 1: The Science of Fear
Listening Skill: Listening for examples
LISTENING 2: What Are You Afraid Of?
Vocabulary Skill: Idioms and expressions 
Grammar: So and such with adjectives
Pronunciation: Linking vowel sounds with /w/ or /y/
Speaking Skill: Expressing emotion
Unit Assignment: Tell a personal story




作者: 李霄翔、 武烜


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2018年08月01日 )

作者简介: 李霄翔,江苏省镇江市人,东南大学特聘教授,博士生导师。南京大学历史系博士。1982年2月毕业于南京工学院基础理论系英语专业,获文学学士学位。1982年3月始在南京工学院(1986年更名为东南大学)任教。主要担任大学英语、英语专业本科生和研究生教学工作。

教材特色: 北大社重点推荐教材 1.原版引进,语言地道,主题丰富 2.强化技能,综合培养,提高语言与思维能力 3.多元文化展示,培养跨文化意识 4.优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台











