
  • 中国文化
  • 双语
  • 用英语讲好中国故事
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开课院校 云南财经大学国际工商学院
建议学习时长 64 课时
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  • 长城 The Great Wall
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 锦绣中华 Splendid China
    1. Splendid China
  • 故宫 The Forbidden City
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 敦煌莫高窟 The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 秦始皇陵与秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 The Museum of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 西湖 The West Lake
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 五岳The Five Sacred Mountains
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 武陵源Wulingyuan Scenic Spot
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 三江并流 The Parallel Flow of Three Rivers
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 丽江古城 The Old Town of Lijiang
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 北京 Beijing
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 上海 Shanghai
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 广州 Guangzhou
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 昆明 Kunming
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 桂林 Guilin
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统思想 Traditional Chinese Ideology
    1. Traditional Chinese Ideology
  • 中国道家思想 Chinese Taoist Philosophy
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国儒家思想 Confucian culture
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国佛教思想 Chinese Buddhism
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国民风民俗 Chinese Folk Customs and Life
    1. Chinese Folk Customs and Life
  • 中国人的姓名 Chinese Name Culture
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国数字文化 Numbers in Traditional Chinese Culture
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 十二生肖 The Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 春节 The Spring Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 元宵节 The Lantern Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 清明节 The Qingming Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 七夕节 The Qixi Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中秋节 The Mid-Autumn Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统饮食文化 Chinese Food Culture
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统茶文化 Chinese Tea Culture
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统酒文化 Spirits Culture in China
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 饺子 Chinese Dumpling -- Jiaozi
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 筷子 Chopsticks
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统服饰 Traditional Chinese Clothing
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统婚俗 Traditional Chinese Wedding
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统艺术和工艺Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts
    1. Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts
  • 中国汉字 Chinese Characters
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国书法 Traditional Chinese Calligraphy
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国画 The Traditional Chinese Painting
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 文房四宝 Four Treasures of the Study
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国印章 The Chinese Seal
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国瓷器 Chinese Porcelain
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 唐三彩 Tang Tricolor Pottery
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 剪纸 Paper-Cuts
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 风筝 Kite
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国结 Chinese Knot
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国丝绸 Chinese Silk
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国刺绣 Chinese Embroidery
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 京剧 Beijing Opera
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国皮影戏 The Chinese Shadow Play
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统建筑艺术 Traditional Chinese Architecture
    1. Traditional Chinese Architecture
  • 北京四合院 Beijing Quadrangles
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 傣族民居 Dai People's Dwelling Houses
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 福建土楼 The Earthen Tower in Fujian
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国古代经典文学 Classical Chinese Literature
    1. Classical Chinese Literature
  • 四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 唐诗宋词 Poetry in the Tang Dynasty and Ci in the Song Dynasty
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国古代神话 Chinese Mythology
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 《水浒传》 Outlaws of the Marsh
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 《三国演义》 Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 《西游记》 Journey to the West
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国传统体育文化 Traditional Physical Culture in China
    1. Traditional Physical Culture in China
  • 中国武术 Chinese Martial Arts
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 少林功夫 Shaolin Kungfu
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 太极拳 The Shadow Boxing
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国围棋 The Game of Go
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 中国象棋 The Chinese Chess
    1. IV. Cultural Charm
    2. Ⅰ.Warming up
    3. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    4. Ⅲ. Exercises
  • 中国古代科技 Science and Technology in Ancient China
    1. Science and Technology in Ancient China
  • 指南针 The compass
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 火药 The Gunpowder
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 造纸术 The Papermaking
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 活字印刷 The Movable Type of Printing
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 算盘 The Abacus
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 日晷 The Sundial
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm
  • 圆周率 Pi
    1. Ⅰ.Warming up
    2. Ⅱ. General Introduction
    3. Ⅲ. Exercises
    4. IV. Cultural Charm


本书的编著特色 :

● 体系化:中国文化知识浩瀚、源远流长。本书成体系化分类,便于学习者梳理思路,触类旁通。

● 实用方便:本书便于学习者轻松查询各个知识板块的内容,起到举一反三的启发作用。此外,各板块均有网络版和手机APP学习内容,有助于学习者在网络泛在化的学习方式中进行中国传统文化的英语学习。

 ● 针对性强:本书考虑四、六级英语翻译考试的需求,每个主题均有重点词汇(Expression Tips)的整理编写, 便于学生的学习和记忆。同时也有助于外国留学生快速系统地了解中国文化。

● 网络化:本书基于云平台的网络版通过大量文化背景、词汇表达、阅读、听力和口语表达的输入输出,以及丰富多彩的视频、图片,生动形象地帮助学习者领略中国文化的浩瀚博大及无穷魅力。同时,本书网络练习的自动评价体系,利用云端算法可以轻松帮助学习者随时随地了解自身对相关知识的掌握程度,提高对中国文化的兴趣和知识拓展。 因此,无论对四、六级复习考试的学生,还是外国留学生、海外游客均能从这套书籍系统领略中华文化精髓。

美丽中国  Splendid China                                  

长城 The Great Wall

故宫 The Forbidden City

敦煌莫高窟 The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

秦始皇陵与秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 The Museum of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses

布达拉宫 The Potala Palace

西湖 The West Lake

五岳The Five Sacred Mountains

九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley

武陵源Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

三江并流The Parallel Flow of Three Rivers

丽江古城The Old Town of Lijiang

北京 Beijing

上海  Shanghai

广州   Guangzhou

昆明   Kunming 

桂林 Guilin


中国传统思想Traditional Chinese Ideology 

中国道家思想Chinese Taoist Philosophy

中国儒家思想Confucian culture

中国佛教思想Chinese Buddhism


中国民风民俗Chinese Folk Customs and Life                

中国人的姓名 Chinese Name Culture

中国数字文化Chinese Numbers in Culture

十二生肖 The Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs

二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms

春节The Spring Festival

元宵节The Lantern Festival

清明节The Pure Brightness Day

端午节The Dragon Boat Festival

七夕节The Qixi Festival

中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival

重阳节The Double Ninth Festival

中国传统饮食文化Chinese Food Culture

中国传统茶文化Chinese Tea Culture

中国传统酒文化 Spirits Culture in China

饺子Chinese Dumpling -- Jiaozi


中国传统服饰Traditional Chinese Clothing

中国传统婚俗Traditional Chinese Wedding

龙 Chinese Dragon

凤凰  Phoenix

传统中医文化 Traditioal Chinese Medicine Cutlrue


中国传统艺术和工艺Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts      

中国汉字Chinese Characters

中国书法Traditional Chinese Calligraphy

中国画The Traditional Chinese Painting

文房四宝Four Treasures of the Study

中国印章The Chinese Seal

瓷器 Chinese Porcelain

唐三彩Tang Tricolor Pottery

剪纸 Paper-Cuts


中国结Chinese Knot

中国丝绸 Chinese Silk

中国刺绣 Chinese Embroidery

京剧Beijing Opera

中国皮影戏 The Chinese Shadow Play


中国传统建筑艺术Traditional Chinese Architecture                

中国古代宫廷建筑 The Palace Architecture in Ancient China

中国经典园林Chinese Classical Gardens

中国传统亭子建筑Traditional Chinese Pavilions

中国传统桥梁建筑Traditional Chinese Bridges

陕西窑洞Shaanxi Cave Dwellings

福建土楼The Earthen Tower in Fujian

徽派民居Huizhou Residential Houses

傣族民居Dai People's Dwelling Houses


中国古代经典文学Classical Chinese Literature             

四书五经Four Books and Five Classics

唐诗宋词Poetry in the Tang Dynasty and Ci in the Song Dynasty

中国古代神话Chinese Mythology

《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marsh

《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《西游记》Journey to the West

《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions


中国传统体育文化Traditional Physical Culture in China       

中国武术Chinese Martial Arts

太极拳The Shadow Boxing

少林功夫Shaolin Kungfu

中国围棋The Game of Go

中国象棋The Chinese Chess


中国古代科技Science and Technology in Ancient China                          

指南针 The Compass

火药 The  Gunpowder

造纸术  The Papermaking

活字印刷 The Movable Type of Printing

算盘 The Abacus

日晷 The Sundial

圆周率 Pi




作者: 李勤


出版社:上海交通大学出版社; ( 2020年08月01日 )

作者简介: 云南财经大学商学院

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  • 陈艳清




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